Canlan Ice Sports Corp Logo Usage and Trademark Information
The following terms constitute a legal Agreement, and govern the use of all Canlan Ice Sports Corp. (herein referred to as Canlan) images, logos and trademarks (collectively herein referred to as the “Marks”). You must completely agree to these terms before downloading and/or utilizing any of the Canlan Ice Sports Corp Marks.
In order for Canlan to protect the integrity and impact of its Marks, it needs to maintain artistic control over what kinds of Canlan Marks are used. We are trying to make the Canlan Marks as available as possible as symbols for while protecting them as Canlan trademarks.
All information and graphics contained in the web sites and/or print materials is the sole property of Canlan and/or the owner of the page(s). All layout and design work is the sole property of Canlan and may not be reproduced or copied in any manner without written permission from Canlan.
Accordingly, the following is our policy on using the Canlan Marks:
General Use Conditions
All Canlan Marks are to be used “as they appear” and are not to be cut up or resized or altered without express written permission of Canlan. All Canlan Marks are copyrighted and may not be reproduced, even if modified or merged with other graphics. The user shall not alter or remove any copyright notice, digital watermarks or proprietary legend contained in/on any of the logos.
Unauthorized copying of the Canlan Marks or failure to comply with any of the terms, restrictions, conditions, or limitations herein will result in automatic termination of this non-exclusive license.
In the event that Canlan requests the removal of the Canlan Marks, you hereby agree to remove the logos from your server, hard drive, diskette, any CD Rom, Zip drive, network drive, or any forms of electronic/hard storage media within 24 hours or less of being notified.
NOTE: While Canlan is delighted that you find our information worthwhile, we carry much material within our sites that either belongs to another party or for which limited use permission was given to us.
Limited Individual Use Permission
Permission is granted for an individual to download any information for his/her own personal use. Redistribution in printed or electronic media format is strictly prohibited.
Limited Educational, Governmental or Nonprofit Organization Use Permission: Permission is freely granted for distribution in printed format provided that: Source credit is given by including the phrase “Information courtesy of Canlan. Hyperlink to Canlan is to be active –
An e-mail message, subject “Use of web site information” to let us know where and how the information is being used would be appreciated. To give us automatic permission to quote your use of the material, please include the statement “Canlan may include our organization’s name and the intended use the information in its promotional materials.”
Commercial Use Provisions
Any business, commercial, or anticipated profit revenue generating use of the information contained within the sites created and/or hosted by Canlan is expressly forbidden without written consent of Canlan. To request permission; please e-mail the following information to Canlan.
Company Name
Your name and corporate title
URL(S) of information requested
URL(S) of graphics requested
Planned use of information
Linking Policy
To request a link to your web site, please send an e-mail request with the following information:
Company Name
Your name and corporate title
URL(S) of information requested
URL(S) of graphics requested
Nature of your Web Site and the manner in which the Canlan site will be linked
These terms of this agreement are subject to change without notice.
Thank you for understanding and compliance.