March 9, 2022
No plans? No problem. Keep your kids active in Spring Break Camps.
Spring Break is such an exciting time for your kids! They get to unwind, destress, hang out with friends, they’re off school for the week, and oh yeah… they’re out of school for the whole week!
So, the panic sets in. What do I do? Where do I go with them? How do I keep them occupied if there’s no routine, like school? How do I keep them engaged without letting them spend hours on a device?
These past few years have been a challenge and more than anything you want Spring Break to be as memorable for your kids as you remember it used to be.

The excitement of camp still lives and breathes through every icebreaker, every camp song sung, drill-made game and every friendship created during that one week of jam-packed fun. We know the clock is ticking, and this is probably a game-time decision, so we’re here to ease your mind on getting your kids to camp so that they don’t have to miss out on one more second of the ultimate Spring Break experience!
No time for naps.
Got kids who are energetic to the max? Believe us, there’s no better way to ensure they’re getting a full night’s sleep than to release all that vim and vigor at camp.
Maintaining a consistent routine (school, practices, meals, games, and sleep) is so important for your child’s overall health. You don’t want them to lose the skills and knowledge they learned at the rink this season, in the classroom, or even at home.
Spring Break Camps are an opportunity for them to continue keeping that level of consistency, but of course, focusing on the fun and none of the stress.
At camp, your child will continue to develop their skills and refine their technique through play-based instruction. Playing always makes learning fun, and gives kids a chance to keep their minds focused on completing a certain task. Through play-based learning techniques like interactive games, your child won’t even realize they’re working towards developing a specific skill– it’s just science.
Not to mention, the major benefit of keeping your child engaged in physical activities and how that helps overall stimulation and quality of life. Plus, let’s give them a chance to hit the pause button on technology. We can all use a break from the online world, from e-learning to gaming. Focusing on being active can help revive their creativity and expand their imagination!
Hockey Skills are everyday life skills.
You’ve heard it before, the skills learned in hockey translate beyond the rink. Sport does change lives for the better.
Spring Break Camps are not just a place for fun, but a place to learn and discover vital lifelong skills that can be applied in everyday situations.
Being surrounded by active and like-minded children can help your child learn the joys of in-person social interaction and engagement. Whether it’s celebrating a teammate’s highlight-reel goal or pumping their fellow players up for the next drill, the social environment of hockey translates to so many different social settings that allows your child to grow, while providing a level of confidence to carry with them everywhere.
Games and lessons are designed to help develop their athletic skills and to learn how to communicate and work with others in a safe and inclusive environment. Hockey is not an individual sport, there really is no I in TEAM. Every game involves teamwork and synergy from everyone to get the puck in the net, just like in group projects where everyone’s contribution is vital to the success of the project. The lessons learned on the ice will provide your child with the tools to successfully apply teamwork in any academic or life situation.
You’ll see the difference the camp experience makes from how eager your child will be for the next day of activities. Whether it’s on-ice or off, the power of play can help bring a level of individuality and curiosity.
Oh, to be a kid again.
The energy, the laughs, and pure excitement to live life to its fullest. Camp creates experiences that are so much bigger than the game. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, have fun and create memories that will last.
Remember how much fun it was to be out of school for the break? That feeling of relief that you just may be able to sleep in or pure excitement for all the possibilities the week could hold?
This is what camp is all about. It’s a moment for your kids to be a kid again.
Starting with the bonds created in the changeroom to the relationships formed on ice, hockey creates life-long friendships and builds communities. The camaraderie shared on and off the ice helps children learn that you can depend on others and work towards a common goal. It’s a great way to learn about loyalty and how to always be there for your teammates, whether it’s calming their nerves before a big game or being there for a friend during a tough time, your child will learn to be a good friend and ally to everyone around them.
Spring Break Camp is more than just creating memories, it’s a time for play, skill-based learning, and a chance for your kids to do what they do best; be themselves.

Spring Break Camps are around the corner.
Don’t miss your chance to get your child in on all the fun. Register here today.